Gandul de azi
Prieteni, va propun sa meditati zilnic la unele lucruri care ne pot face viata mai usor de trait, mai usor de acceptat. Va invit sa iesim cateva minute din vartejul strsant al zilei si sa ne impacam cu noi si cu Dumnezeu.
28 Mai
"Viata este grea. Atunci cand am inteles si acceptat acest lucru, viata nu mai este grea. De fapt nu mai conteaza."
Scott Peck - Meditation from The Road Less Traveled
29 Mai
"Viata este o serie de probleme. Ne plangem sau incercam sa le rezolvam?"
30 Mai
"Fara disciplina nu putem face nimic. Numai cu ceva disciplina punem rezolva cateva probleme. Daca am avea disciplina absoluta, am putea rezolva toate problemele."
31 Mai
"Problemele fac diferenta intre succes si esec. Ele solicita curajul si intelepciunea noastra, si mai mult decat atat, ele crează curajul si intelepciune"
1 Iunie
Instrumentele disciplinei sunt metodele prin care trecem prin durerea provocata de probleme în asa fel incat le rezolvam cu succes, si in acelasi timp invatam şi crestem. Cand invatam ce este disciplina, invatam cum sa suferim si cum sa crestem.
5 Iunie
Timpul petrecut de parinti cu copiii lor le arata acestora din urma cat de importanti sunt cu adevarat.
8 Iunie
Poti rezolva orice problema daca esti gata sa dedici timpul si energia necesara pentru acest lucru.
Lumina luminează în întuneric şi întunericul n-a biruit-o.

Ioan 1:5
luni, 2 aprilie 2007
Back to roots
I used to think about myself as if I were a plant, a plant with small roots, shy stem, but with great ambitions, the necessary leaves, flowers and eventually fruits.
Day after day I was adding new leaves, endless to do lists, and in the happier seasons of my life, some flowers. Now and then the fruits, success’ joyful moments, were coming easy, effortlessly. Other times, although I was working hard, organized and continuously, nothing was coming my way and I could not understand why.
The problem was that I concentrated on things that can be seen, things that I thought mattered. My efforts never aimed my roots. I have learned the hard way this lessons and I am still learning that without roots, you’re nothing.
The longer you spend reading or meditating at God’s word, praying for you and for others, your roots become stronger and they go deeper. Once you start giving up yourself, trusting your problems in God’s hand, life becomes simple and you start seeing what really matters.
I had to go through cancer experience for learning a vital lesson. Like in the grain seed parable, if that seed does not die, it will remain alone. I have learned to find time for my roots because only they can give me the energy to love God and love people.
It’s like stopping from dreaming all the time what you want to be, because only this will prevent you from becoming who you really are.
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