Gandul de azi
Prieteni, va propun sa meditati zilnic la unele lucruri care ne pot face viata mai usor de trait, mai usor de acceptat. Va invit sa iesim cateva minute din vartejul strsant al zilei si sa ne impacam cu noi si cu Dumnezeu.
28 Mai
"Viata este grea. Atunci cand am inteles si acceptat acest lucru, viata nu mai este grea. De fapt nu mai conteaza."
Scott Peck - Meditation from The Road Less Traveled
29 Mai
"Viata este o serie de probleme. Ne plangem sau incercam sa le rezolvam?"
30 Mai
"Fara disciplina nu putem face nimic. Numai cu ceva disciplina punem rezolva cateva probleme. Daca am avea disciplina absoluta, am putea rezolva toate problemele."
31 Mai
"Problemele fac diferenta intre succes si esec. Ele solicita curajul si intelepciunea noastra, si mai mult decat atat, ele crează curajul si intelepciune"
1 Iunie
Instrumentele disciplinei sunt metodele prin care trecem prin durerea provocata de probleme în asa fel incat le rezolvam cu succes, si in acelasi timp invatam şi crestem. Cand invatam ce este disciplina, invatam cum sa suferim si cum sa crestem.
5 Iunie
Timpul petrecut de parinti cu copiii lor le arata acestora din urma cat de importanti sunt cu adevarat.
8 Iunie
Poti rezolva orice problema daca esti gata sa dedici timpul si energia necesara pentru acest lucru.
Lumina luminează în întuneric şi întunericul n-a biruit-o.

Ioan 1:5
luni, 14 mai 2007
Anticipation in Virginia
With great anticipation, sixteen of us are anxiously preparing for and praying about our trip to Constanta this coming Jun and Jul. Our goal this summer is to serve God and you...and nothing else. We want to talk with you, pray with you, enjoy your company, and share our heartfelt love and care with each of you and your families and friends.
Do you remember how it is to feel great anticipation? Like when you are waiting for someone special at the train station, airport, or seaport? My sister and I used to climb up on our swing set in the backyard at the house we grew up in in Colorado and sit up there waiting to see the white Chevrolet automobile come around the corner that was driven by our grandparents from New Mexico. We loved our grandparents and waited with great anticipation for their arrival. We knew they brought love, interest, and much care for our family. We were anxious for their arrival.
Or how about your first love? Remember the time spent waiting to be with that special person? It was almost an ache and hurt in your heart and soul because the waiting was so hard.
When I used to return from an extended sea tour in the navy, I would almost burst in anticipation waiting for the moment when I would be reunited with my wife Regina and our little boys on the pier. I would work hard in the final days of patrol but I sometimes was so distracted I couldn't think straight. Have you ever felt this kind of intense anticipation and anxiousness?
Psalms 84:2 reads, "My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the LORD; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God."
When we are with you in Romania, we believe honestly that we are guests of Godly people and are recipients of his goodness, mercy, and love. This is why we have great anticipation to be with you in the next few months. We love you so much. Please be praying for our safe travels and all of the planning that is taking place.
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