Gandul de azi
Prieteni, va propun sa meditati zilnic la unele lucruri care ne pot face viata mai usor de trait, mai usor de acceptat. Va invit sa iesim cateva minute din vartejul strsant al zilei si sa ne impacam cu noi si cu Dumnezeu.
28 Mai
"Viata este grea. Atunci cand am inteles si acceptat acest lucru, viata nu mai este grea. De fapt nu mai conteaza."
Scott Peck - Meditation from The Road Less Traveled
29 Mai
"Viata este o serie de probleme. Ne plangem sau incercam sa le rezolvam?"
30 Mai
"Fara disciplina nu putem face nimic. Numai cu ceva disciplina punem rezolva cateva probleme. Daca am avea disciplina absoluta, am putea rezolva toate problemele."
31 Mai
"Problemele fac diferenta intre succes si esec. Ele solicita curajul si intelepciunea noastra, si mai mult decat atat, ele crează curajul si intelepciune"
1 Iunie
Instrumentele disciplinei sunt metodele prin care trecem prin durerea provocata de probleme în asa fel incat le rezolvam cu succes, si in acelasi timp invatam şi crestem. Cand invatam ce este disciplina, invatam cum sa suferim si cum sa crestem.
5 Iunie
Timpul petrecut de parinti cu copiii lor le arata acestora din urma cat de importanti sunt cu adevarat.
8 Iunie
Poti rezolva orice problema daca esti gata sa dedici timpul si energia necesara pentru acest lucru.
Lumina luminează în întuneric şi întunericul n-a biruit-o.

Ioan 1:5
sâmbătă, 16 iunie 2007
"But as for me, my feet had almost slipped; I had nearly lost my foothold. For I envied the arrogant when I saw the prosperity of the wicked. They had no struggles; their bodies are healthy and strong. They are free from the burdens common to man.
...It was oppressive to me till I entered the sanctuary of God. Then I understood their final destiny." (Psalm 73)
Here is the spiritual biography of a man who struggled thirty centuries ago. Yet, it's amazing how modern his sentiment is. Then, a thousand years later, Jesus comes with promises that are beautiful and appealing. But, you say they have not worked out for you as you thought they should. You, also, are painfully aware that your feet are slipping. You have come to God's house and are not sure you will find anything to steady your feet or meet your needs. There is a hunger, a need...and where can you turn?
What was it that came so close to tripping the man in the text above? He was perplexed by God's order of things. He was taught that the good prospered while the wicked went against the wall. Didn't Job's friends ask, "whoever suffered being innocent?" and did not the disciples ask Jesus regarding the blind man..."who sinned, this man or his parents?" Have we not been taught that God rewards us for our goodness? Why then do I have financial difficulties, sickness and family setbacks? It's as if God does not care for my loyalties. We play the game according to the rules and apparently lose.
Then the author found a gripping conviction that steadied him. What was it? He had exaggerated the prosperity of the wicked. They prospered only in inner real joy. Their prosperity was fleeting. Who will own it tomorrow? Now, he came to realize his own wealth. There is God's constant presence. A mother and child walk down the street. When crossing, the child reaches up and takes the mother's hand.
These things are discovered when the Psalmist goes into the House of God. In sunshine, in shadows, when blinded with tears, when making our last mile God satisfies and our feet are steadied.
Charles Jackson
Fayetteville, Arkansas
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